Monday, April 11, 2011


Well Saturday was a day full of positive vibes. The day was a gorgeous Autumn day warm and still and as I was eating breakfast by myself (that tale follows) I heard a strange wooshing noise over my shoulder, I turned around and there just above the trees was a hot air balloon just hanging like a ghost! After taking many photos this was deemed the best even though it was taken into the sun-I think it looks quite eerie.

The reason for my solitary breakfast was that my lovely husband had set off early fishing and for the first time caught his legal limit of 9 snapper-he was so chuffed, as was I, friends and neighbours! Yum fresh fish. Hopefully when we have guests they too can have freshly caught snapper for dinner - what a treat for them.

The third and most important event of the day was the launching of the website for our B&B, Now we have an official address we are able to list in various tourism publications and websites. Yay at long last we are ready for action.

Well I think that all the news for now I must go and do a little in the garden while the sun is still shining..............


  1. Hi,great blog Aunty Gill, so far so good eh?I have also just had a good look at your website, and it's looking good, apart from it's making me second home sick.I have put a comment/essey on your website hope it's ok?This message is for anyone looking for somewhere to stay in Auckland.If good company,good food and an excellent holiday is what you want then "HavenHomestay" is the place for you.You won't want to come home,we sure didn't!!xx

  2. Hey thanks Karen your feedback is priceless. We are so glad you feel this is your second home. You and your family are welcome any time.
